Friday, July 18, 2014


In this lesson the student will be able to:
a. Know the Badjao Tribe and;
b. Appreciate the Badjao Tribe.



  • Let's define Badjao 

The Bajau, are an indigenous ethnic group of Maritime Southeast Asia. The Bajau continue to live a seaborne lifestyle, making use of small wooden sailing vessels. They are also known as Sama or Samal. The Badjao village is in the southern Philippines, on a little stretch of beach on Sarangani Bay, which is just a few miles south of General Santos.

The Badjao are among the displaced people in the Philippines. Displaced by wars and the death of their traditional fishing culture. There homeland has been taken away from them and their culture is gradually slipping away.

Widely known as the “Sea Gypsies” of the Sulu and Celebes Seas, the Badjao are scattered along the coastal areas of Tawi Tawi, Sulu, Basilan, and some coastal municipalities of Zamboanga del Sur in the ARMM. Amongst themselves, they're known as Sama Laus (Sea Sama) and are found living on houseboats where they make their livelihood solely on the sea as expert fishermen, deep sea divers, and navigators.

  •  Let's have a background about their culture, beliefs and costume of badjao.   
Many Bajaus of the east coast retain their seaborne lifestyle, together with remnants of traditional pre-Islamic beliefs. Traditional Bajau communities may have a dukun (i.e. a shaman) and may adhere to taboos concerning the treatment of the sea and other cultural aspects. An example of this is the offering of thanks to theOmboh Dilaut, the God of the Sea, whenever a particularly large catch is brought in. The east coast Sabah Bajau are also famous for the annual Semporna Regatta.  

Friday prayers are performed in the parish mosque and are the climax of a weekly cycle of daily prayers. An annual religious calendar includes Ramadan (the ninth month in which all Muslims fast) and the prophet Mohammed's birthday. Almost all the Badgao hold animistic beliefs. They believe that non-living objects have spirits. Spirits of the dead are thought to remain in the vicinity of their graves. These spirits require offerings for appeasement. Some graves have reportedly become the sources of miracle working power.




1. Where is the Badjao village/homeland?
2. What can you say about their culture and tradition?


Make further study about Badjao Tribe.
